Return and Refund

Return and Refund

Last updated: Aug 3, 2024

14-Day Return Policy

You have the right to cancel your purchase and return the products within 14 days from the date you receive your order.

To start a return, please contact us. Registered customers can directly request a return by clicking on "Request Return" in the order details.

To ensure a smooth refund process, let us know your order number and ensure the package is well-packaged. The items inside should be in their original condition, with packaging unopened and unused, so we can restock the product. Opened or used products are not eligible for return.

Once we receive and inspect the returned products, we will process your refund within 3 business days. The refund will be automatically returned to your payment account. Depending on your payment account’s policy, you may receive the refund immediately or within several business days.

Please note that you will need to cover the return shipping costs, and the refund will deduct the initial shipping fee.


Products Damaged 

If any items or parts of the items you received are damaged, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact us with your order number, a description of the issue, and photos showing the condition of the items. We will process your refund within 3 business days upon confirmation.

Refunds are issued for damaged items only. If all items in your order are damaged, the shipping cost will also be refunded.

If you prefer a replacement for the damaged items instead of a refund, and stock is available, we will reship the items at no additional charge.


Return Address 

Kungsgatan 52D 1003, 75321 Uppsala, Sweden


If you need more help, please contact


* We reserve the right to modify this Returns & Refunds policy. Any changes will be posted on this page.

  • Shipping Policy | Paper Whisper | Discover Japanese Stationery & Journaling Supplies


    49 kr in Sweden, €10 in Europe, €15 for shipping outside of Europe.

  • Free shipping | Paper Whisper | Discover Japanese Stationery & Journaling Supplies


    Free Sweden shipping over 750 kr. Free Europe shipping over €88.

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